
Results can only change when we change our consistent actions and make them habits.
-Billy Cox


To get a competitive edge, you simply do something every day that your competition don't work won't.
-Billy Cox

Birds of a Feather

If you hang around un-motivated people, you will fight and uphill battle to stay motivated.
-Billy Cox

Purpose and Passion

We are all born with a purpose and a passion. It is up to you to seek out that purpose and find your passion.
-Billy Cox


Praise and recognize others for the good they do, and tolerate the characteristics that make each of us less than perfect.
-Billy Cox

The Past

The best way to get over the past is to get on with the future!
-Billy Cox

Daily Motivation

If you want to stay motivated, you must be working for a purpose. Make sure every day you make a difference.
-Billy Cox


Today's challenges build tomorrow's champions.
-Billy Cox

The Hours

Every hour that passes is one less hour you have to accomplish your dreams and goals.
-Billy Cox

Challenges and Blessings

Sometimes our toughest challenges turn out to be our greatest blessings.
-Billy Cox

Moving Forward

Eliminate as much negative from your life as you can. Focus on the positives and be thankful for even the smallest blessings.
-Billy Cox

Living Life

Start living your life from the inside out as opposed to the outside in.
-Billy Cox

Success = Optimism

The words you tell yourself are the most powerful words of the universe. 
I've never seen one successful pessimist. 
-Billy Cox